> A first step to improve the usability of the "programmer reference"
> (which in my opinion is a misnomer)

It's called program reference; suggestions for better names

> would be to give more explicit
> explanations of the possible values for each property.
> One problem is that the set of possible values may be different for the
> same property depending on what kind of object you set it on, but in
> most cases that's not a problem.

We can solve that partly, by having different doc-strings per
interface, by adding

  ("generic string"
   (text-item-interface . "specific doc string")
   (rest-interface . "specific doc string")

but I think that a first improvement would be to simply add the
information to the interface doc-strings.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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