Attached is a small example broken bracket pedal. It seems that the extra width added by the arpeggio breaks the horizontal spacing of bracket pedal. I guess it's closely related to what was reported by
Jonathan Kraut on 12/12-2003. Did you (Jonathan) file a bug report?

Here's the .ly for the attachment:

\version "2.1.0"
\score {
    \notes  \relative c {
        \property Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket
        \clef bass
        | <a  e' c'>2\arpeggio\sustainDown
        <a  e' b'>\arpeggio\sustainUp\sustainDown
        | <a  e' a>\arpeggio\sustainUp
        <f c' f>\arpeggio

        | <a  e' c'>2\sustainDown
        <a  e' b'>\sustainUp\sustainDown
        | <a  e' a>\sustainUp
        <f c' f>

peace, love & harmony

<<inline: bracketpedal.png>>

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