I guess I wasn't clear enough.

Or maybe that's the only way?

Can I set a variable that makes allegro=\tempo 8. = 120?

Or as a feature request. Include tempo names and a way to describe them
in midi tempos. I realize not everyone cares about midi or even hearing
the sounds. But I am required to 'play' my notation for others as part
of the proof reading for my project.


On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 12:10, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> I begin with the last question. If you insert an \tempo 8. = 120
> within the music, you will get a printed tempo mark.
> The easiest way to combine it with a textual tempo indication is
> to use a text markup for the text and \tempo for the metronome
> indication. You may have to increase the padding property of the
> text to avoid collisions.
> You could also construct the full layout using text markups, such as
> ^\markup{ Allegro \small \note #3 #1 #1 "=" 120 }
> but then you don't get the tempo change in the MIDI file.
>     /Mats
> Aaron wrote:
> > HI, 
> > I have been looking through the manual, but I haven't found this.
> > 
> > I am looking for text equivalents for metronome tempo markings. 
> > 
> > specifically allegro largo with midi equivalents so that I could insert
> > a term into a score with an equals sign.
> > 
> > maybe as follows:
> >  \tempo:Allegro 8.=120 c''1 or some such.
> > 
> > I would like the ability to add any text to a tempo and have it display
> > the text but the midi play the metronome mark.
> > 
> > BTW is text markup the only way now to add tempo marks.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Aaron
> > 
> > 
> > 
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