Just trying this again -- don't recall seeing a reply, plus I've got some new info (inserted into original)
I've been playing around with the output from lilypond, putting it through ps2ps, and then editing it in Illustrator, and I've found something weird: many objects are doubled, apparently for no reason.
I noticed it first with slurs and ties, though because of the complexity of those graphics, I figured it was necessary. However, each clef element and accidental in the key signature is doubled! Noteheads and regular (i.e., note-attached) accidentals don't seem to be doubled, nor do articulations, barlines, or anything else I've run into so far.
Any thoughts on why this might be so? Is it a byproduct of the ps2ps process or something in the way lilypond generates the output?
[UPDATE: I have proven that it's *not* a byproduct of ps2ps, as the ps output directly from Lilypond/TeX also has the items doubled -- even though Illustrator can't see the embedded fonts, it shows the PostScript item(s) with handle(s).]
Just curious, Kieren.
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