On Nov 27, 2003, at 2:29 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote:

Can I simply update lilypond-1.6.10 to ilypond-2.1.0 (the latest version??)
without re-installing fink etc.

But  there must be something different with installing then?!
I'm not really a Unix-Freak, I'm happy to be able to paste
some terminal orders I have been shown!

I'd be very appreciated to get some verbose responses
in order to do it exactly and correctly enough.

You don't need to be a UNIX-freak to install 2.0.1 from lilypond.. ;) Some patience and FinkCommander will do.
Get FinkCommander from http://finkcommander.sourceforge.net first. It's a nice GUI tool to manage your Fink packages and install new ones.
To install stuff from the unstable branch, 2.0.1 is in that branch, you also need to install the Apple Developer tools. If you don't have them on your OS X installation cd's you can download it from http://connect.apple.com (free registration)
Now that you've installed both of those, open FinkCommander's preferences and tell it you want to use the unstable branch.
Then I think you have to run ScanPackages from the Source menu to update your package descriptions to the unstable branch. Now find lilypond in the list, make sure 2.0.1-13 is listed as the latest version and run Install, once again from the source menu.

Wait a good while and you should have a working 2.0.1 installation.

Hope this helps. Come back if you have troubles and I'll try to help.


"Life begins when you can spend your spare time programming instead of
watching television."
-- Cal Keegan

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