Hi, I'm just getting started with lilypond which, by the way, is looking fantastic so far.
I'm having trouble with line breaks. I want raggedright output, by which I mean I want to break no matter how short that will make the current line if the current line would otherwise be too wide for the page. I can't seem to get this... could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong in this short example? Cheers, Rupert \include "english.ly" rhStandardMajorBrokenChord=\notes { \cadenzaOn \key c\major \relative c' { c8-1[ e-2 g-3 c-5] e,-1[ g-2 c-4 e-5] g,-1[ c-2 e-3 g-5] c,2-1 g'8-5[ e-3 c-2 g-1] e'-5[ c-4 g-2 e-1] c'-5[ g-3 e-2 c-1] \cadenzaOff g'2-5 }} rhStandardMajorArpeggio=\notes { \cadenzaOn \key c\major \relative c' { c8-1[ e-2 g-3] c-1[ e-2 g-3] c-5[ g-3 e-2] c-1[ g-3 e-2] \cadenzaOff c2-5 }} \score { \notes { \time 2/4 \context PianoStaff << \context Staff = up { \rhStandardMajorArpeggio \rhStandardMajorBrokenChord } >> } \paper { raggedright = ##t papersize = "a4" linewidth = 17\cm } } \include "paper16.ly" _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user