See my earlier email today on "Very long hyphens in lyrics" for
the correct way to remove the Hara_kiri_engraver.

What I meant about the staff is that each lyrics line is handled
just like a music staff and is normally allocated some vertical


Russ Ross wrote:
Thank your for your suggestions!  The font trick worked like a
charm.  I'm still struggling with the staff spacing for pages with
no lyrics.

Do you mean that the music staff will normally disappear, or just
the space below it where the lyrics normally go?  I'm not seeing the
staff disappear, just the space below.  For the lyrics in those
sections I use something like \skip1.*15 and the music staff has
something like R1.*15.

I tried removing the Hara_kiri_engraver per your instructions below,
but I got a rather strange result.  All the lyrics from all the 9
vocal lines collected at the top of the page (overwriting each
other).  Perhaps I've done something strange?  Here's how I'm
structuring things:

\score {
  \simultaneous {
    \new StaffGroup \simultaneous {
      \property Score.BarNumber \override #'padding = #2
      \new GrandStaff \simultaneous {
      \new GrandStaff \simultaneous {
      \new GrandStaff \simultaneous {
      \new InnerChoirStaff \simultaneous {
      \new GrandStaff \simultaneous {
        \property GrandStaff.instrument = "Organo e Continuo.    "
... similar for the second orchestra and choir

In different files I define the various staffs.  iSopranoStaff is
like this:

SopranoStaff = \simultaneous {
  \context Staff = iSopranoNotes \notes {
    \property Staff.instrument = "Soprano."
    \time 12/8
    \clef soprano
    \relative c' {
      \key e \minor
... a bunch of notes

  \context Lyrics = iSopranoLyrics \lyrics {
... a bunch of lyrics

where vocalStaffSetup is just a set of directives that are common to
all my vocal parts (turning off autobeaming, setting staff size,

Thanks again for your help,


On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 01:25:15PM +0100, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

When you have a score line with empty lyrics, it is removed completely
meaning that it doesn't occupy any space.

If you want empty lyrics lines to still occupy some space, try
     \remove "Hara_kiri_engraver"

Also, see the answer to the related question at
(popular question today).


Russ Ross wrote:


I'm setting the full score for the first movement of Bach's St.
Matthew Passion which has about 27 staves per page.  I can squeeze
them all onto a single A4 page by scaling down to the 11 pt size,
moving a few dynamic marks, and increasing the textsize parameter.

When the vocal parts are resting, the system crunches down to a much
smaller size (no lyrics) which I'd like to avoid.  What I'd really
like is to fix the spacing of the staves on all pages to be the same,
ideally computed based on the largest spacing needed on any page.
Is it possible to do something like this?  I think it makes the
music much easier to follow from page to page.

I've tried setting the spacing of an individual manually using:

\property Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 5)

or something similar, but this seems to expand the staff too much on
the pages with lyrics (where space is tight) and not enough on the
pages without lyrics.  Is there another setting that controls the
inter-staff spacing when lyrics are involved?  If I can just set the
spacing myself it should work with some trial and error.  If I could
get lilypond to compute the spacing and keep it the same for all
pages that would be even better.

Any suggestions?



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-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: =============================================

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