Hello, everybody,

I'm trying to typeset the Sonata in A for violin and piano by César Franck, but I'm 
kind of new to Lilypond, and I would like to ask you if is it possible to do some 
things I would like to do. As I don't know if it's allowed or desirable to send 
attachments to the list, I've put in a web server an example of what I'd like to do: 

1. Is there a way to typeset the half brackets printed in red on the example? They're 
used, as all of you know, to indicate that the notes in the bracket should be played 
with the left hand, so the player don't break his/her right hand trying to stretch it 
to play all what's written in the upper staff. ;) I don't know if they receive any 
proper name in English, sorry about that.

2. How can I specify the font and size for the indications (The "molto dolce", in this 
case)? I've been reading the manual, but I've been unable to understand it. :(

3. Is there a simple way to typeset in a smaller size both the soloist staff and all 
the objects contained or associated with it? I mean, as this would be the piano score, 
the violin part is provided only as a reference, and the pianist doesn't need to see a 
very big violin part, but I would like to extract that part for the particella for the 
violinist without having to change all font sizes and the rest of the objects.

4. How do I put dynamics affecting all the piano part, not only the upper or lower 

That's all for the moment, thank you for your attention. ;)

Daniel Berjón

The source code follows, any suggestion is welcome:

\score { 
        \notes {
                \time 9/8
                        \new Staff {
                                \clef violin
                                \key a \major
                                \relative c'' {
                                        r4 d8(_\markup {\italic {molto dolce}} fis4 d8 
b4 gis8)
                                        fis4( b8) d2. 
                        \context PianoStaff <<
                                \context Staff = "up" {
                                        \key a \major
                                                \new Voice {
                                                        \relative c' {
                                                                << {fis2.~ fis4.} 
{d2.~ d4.} >>
                                                                << {d2.~ d4.} {gis,2.~ 
gis4.} >>
                                                                << {fis'2.~ fis4.} 
{d2.~ d4.} >>
                                                                << {d2.~ d4.} {gis,2.~ 
gis4.} >>
                                                \new Voice {
                                                        \relative c' {
                                                                r4 b'8 d2. r4 fis,8 
b2. r4 b8 fis'2. r4 fis,8 d'2.
                                        << {fis'2.~ fis'4.} {d'2.~ d'4.} {gis2.~ 
                                        << {fis'2.~ fis'4.} {d'2.~ d'4.} {fis2.~ 

                                \context Staff = "down" {
                                        \clef bass
                                        \key a \major
                                        \new Voice {
                                                << {gis2.~ gis4.} {e2.~ e4.} >>
                                                << {e2.~ e4.} {b,2.~ b,4.} >>
                                                << {gis2.~ gis4.} {e2.~ e4.} >>
                                                << {e2.~ e4.} {b,2.~ b,4.} >>
                                                << {e,2.~ e,4.} {e,,2.~ e,,4.} >>
                                                << {b,2.~ b,4.} {b,,2.~ b,,4.} >>


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