There's a simpler -and better- way to do this.

Just have 2 score blocks, one with paper output and the other with
only midi output. Don't include the chord track in the score with midi
output. And that's all.

\score {
    \paper {
        \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }


    \midi { \tempo 4=120 }

José Luis

A 05/11/03 12:14:17
Joel Ray Holveck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> I'm trying to remove a ChordNames track from the MIDI output, ie,
> prevent it from being played.  I do still want it engraved, but
> silent.  So far, I've been trying to set the volume to 0 or some
> epsilon small enough to not be heard, but the track comes through
> loud and clear when I play it with Timidity:
> \score {
>     \notes <<
>       \new ChordNames \chords { 
>           \tempo 4=120
>           \property ChordNames.dynamicAbsoluteVolumeFunction =
>           #(lambda args 0.0001)\property
>           ChordNames.instrumentEqualizer =  #(lambda args
>           0.0001)\property ChordNames.midiMinimumVolume =
>           #0.0\property ChordNames.midiMaximumVolume =
>           #0.0001%\remove "Staff_performer" d1 a cis:m g:9
>           \bar "||"
>           % Verse
>           d a
>       }
>         % The staves are here, but removed for brevity.
>     >>
>     \midi { \tempo 4=120 }
>     \paper {
>       \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
>     }
> }
> I'm trying to do this because the chords are a useful reference when
> studying the music, but are not part of the music as performed, and
> distract from the actual performance.
> Does anybody have any suggestions as to how I can accomplish this?
> Thanks,
> joelh

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