Wed, 22 Oct 2003 16:57:43 +0200, Darius a dit : 

 > Thanks for the answers....
 > At 10:06 22/10/2003 +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 >> I certainly recognize the problem of having to correct a
 >> few octave mistakes when entering a score, but I think the
 >> general idea of relative mode is so intuitive that I don't
 >> have to spend much time and effort while typing in the music.

 > You're obviously better at this than I am :-)

 >> However, you are certainly not alone, since a new octave check
 >> feature was added in version 2.0 of LilyPond, see

 > It's nice, but it's only a control feature. I thought more of some kind
 > of making entry more explicit.

 > [...]

As it seems to be an editing issue -- not really a lack of feature of
LilyPond -- the solution to your problem should come from your
editor: let it play the notes as you type them, or play few measures,
for quick ear checking.

If you use [GNU |X]Emacs on GNU/Linux with ALSA... 


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