Did you search for "crescendo" in the index of the
reference manual?
In that case, you would have ended up at

However, there are also predefined commands
\cresc, \endcresc, \dim, \enddim
but then the text of the diminuendo will be
"dim." and not "decresc.".

You could easily define your own macros, though.
The default ones (found in
/usr/share/lilypond/*/ly/spanner-init.ly) are
dim = \notes {
  #(ly:export (make-event-chord (list decr)))

  \property Voice.decrescendoText = \markup { \italic "dim." }
  \property Voice.decrescendoSpanner = #'dashed-line

enddim = \notes {
  #(ly:export (make-event-chord (list rced)))
   \property Voice.decrescendoText \unset
 \property Voice.decrescendoSpanner \unset

Unfortunately, it seems that these macros are
completely undocumented.


neuro wrote:
> Another small question, on Lilypond 2.0.1 ...
> I know about the
> g4 \cresce g g \endcresce e2
> . But how is the coresponding decrescendo things?
> Lilypond doesn't know
> g4 \decresce g g \enddecresce e2
> I don't want the hairpins here.  I want the text "decresc. - - - " ; and it
> automatically goes the right length of , say, 3 measures.
> Thank you very much
> neuro
> http://neuro.ohbi.net
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