I've looked in the docs, the mail-list archive and "Tips &
Tricks" on how to get around this problem, but to no avail.
 Maybe I've just missed it.

The example below produces a collision between the dot on
the 'f' and the note head of the 'e.'  In fact, the 'e'
almost completely hides the dot.

\dotsUp does not seem to have any affect.

Any suggestions?

I am using 1.8.1 under cygwin.

Thanks in advance.



\header {
   tagline = "Dotted note h-spacing problem in LilyPond"

\version "1.8.1"

% Using different output sizes makes no difference.
\include "paper20.ly"

\score {
   \notes {
         \context Staff = sample \relative f' {
            \clef treble
            \key f \major
            \time 2/4
               < {f4. f8} \\ {e4 d} >
            \bar "|"

   \paper { 
      orientation = portrait
      pagenumber = no

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