This clearly looks like a bug! We used to have the key signatures
always before the bar lines, but for some reason, Han-Wen changed
that 2003-06-20, according to the ChangeLog. I'm not sure what is
correct for situations when you have a key signature change in the
middle of a line, but in this situation the repeat bar line should
clearly come after the key signature.

You can easily change this yourself using

  \paper {
      breakAlignOrder = #'(


Walter Hofmeister wrote:
Hello all,
    I am still having trouble with getting repeats with alternate endings
and the key signature spacing to work out. The code for the file in question
follows. The problem is that the key signature is being placed after the
repeat for the B section. As I am new to Lilypond, it has taken me a week to
figure out the procedure for tweaking objects and I frequently find that I
am still confused. I am not a programmer and figuring out the correct syntax
from the Internals documentation does not seem intuitive to me. I guess I
could use more examples in the documentation as many of the variable that I
investigated had a default value that is unset so this can make it difficult
for me to figure out how to set a value.
    Anyway here is the file:

\include ""

\header {
    title        = "Battle of Aughrim"
    subtitle    = " "
    instrument    = " "
    meter        = " "
    source        = " "
    composer    = "Trad. Irish"
    copyright     = " "
    tagline        = " "

melodyNotes = \notes {
\key g \major
\relative c' {
%A section
\repeat volta 2 {
b8 a g fis e fis g a
b a g fis e2
a8 g fis a d4 a
b4 a b8 cis d4
b8 a g fis e fis g a
b a g fis e2
a8 g fis a d4 a
fis4 e e2 }
%B section
\repeat volta 2 {
fis'4 e e d8 cis
b4 a d4. a8
b4 a d a
b4 a b8 cis d e
fis4 e e d8 cis
b4 a d4. b8
a8 g fis a d4 a }
\alternative {
{ fis4 e e2 }
{ fis4 e e2 }
\bar "|." }

\score {
\notes {
\clef "treble_8"
\time 4/4
\paper { }

If someone could try this file and make a suggestion as to how might be the
best way to tweak it I would be most grateful. Thanks in advance.

Walter Hofmeister

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