Hello everyone,

  I'm trying to make a score which has several voices on a staff.  I'm using 
identifiers to define each voice separately so that I can use the same input 
file to print out individual parts.  Each definition contains its own dynamic 
and articulation markings, etc.

  The problem I'm seeing is that when the multiple voices are printed on the 
single staff, I get multiple instances of some markings.  For instance, if I 
have three voices on the staff, notes which are marked staccato get three 
dots over them.  Dynamic markings seem to "merge" just fine -- i.e. the score 
says "mp" just once even though the "mp" marking appears in the definition of 
each voice -- but this doesn't seem to be the case for other markings.

  Below I've embedded a simple test case which exhibits this behavior.

  Does anyone know how I can fix this?

  -- Niki

% to learn version 2.0.0

\include "english.ly"

papersize = "letter"
\include "paper20.ly"

SaxOneConcertPitch =
  \context Voice
  \relative c'
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4
   \partial 2..

    r8 r4 r2 |               % rest in pickups
    r2 g'4.\mp f8-. | r1 |   
    r2 g4. f8-. | r1 |

SaxTwoConcertPitch =
  \context Voice
  \relative c'
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4
   \partial 2..

    r8 r4 r2 |               % rest in pickups
    r2 e4.\mp d8-. | r1 |   
    r2 e4. d8-. | r1 |

SaxThreeConcertPitch =
  \context Voice
  \relative c'
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4
   \partial 2..

    r8 r4 r2 |               % rest in pickups
    r2 a4.\mp g8-. | r1 |   
    r2 a4. g8-. | r1 |

\score {
  \new Staff {
   \clef treble

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