> If you want to break the common typesetting rules and put the ".|" at
> the beginning of the line, you could easily change the order using:

Well, thanks for your reply. Changing the order enables the use of \bar ".|" at the 
beginning of the staff, yes. Great, that is perfect for another thing that i had also 
in mind, but what i really want in this case is to use a double bar "||" instead of 
the bar ".|" Is it possible?

I search the effect of a few compasses which starts with a \bar "||" and ends with a 
\bar "||" I didn't think it would be so complicated :o|


Thanks and regards,

José Luis Cruz

A Fri, 03 Oct 2003 14:03:23 +0200
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> There are two issues involved here:
> - At line breaks, you often don't want the same bar type at the end of a
>    line and at the beginning of the next line. For example, if you have a
>    "|:", it should only be printed at the beginning of the next line and
>    not at the end of the previous line. LilyPond has built-in rules about
>    these things, see the end of /usr/share/lilypond/*/scm/output-lib.scm.
>    For example, a "||" is split into a "||" at the end of the first line
>    and nothing at all at the beginning of the next line.
>    What you probably want is \bar ".|".
> - LilyPond also knows about common typesetting practice when it comes
>    to the order of clefs, time signatures, bar lines and so on at the
>    beginning of the line. If you want to break the common typesetting
>    rules and put the ".|" at the beginning of the line, you could easily
>    change the order using:
> \property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
>            instrument-name
>            left-edge
>            staff-bar  ; Between clef and key-signature by default
>            ambitus
>            breathing-sign
>            clef
>            key-signature
>            time-signature
>            custos
>    )
>     Mats

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