On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 14:37, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> I don't really understand what you mean, but it seems that you
> are making things more complicated than necessary.
believe me I am trying to simplify things. Three hundred files and
multiple outcomes.
> If you want to separate the music input, the titling and the
> actual definitions of what should be included in a specific score,
> you could put the definitions in separate files and use the
> \include command to combine the information from the different
> files. For example, something like

Yes this is what I meant and the seperate parts is the way. I also
envision this as a way to keep hebrew upto date I can put the hebrew
hacks in a seperate place and just include a text file for the hebrew.
Then when the lilypond version changes I could just change the hebrew
hack not 300 files, neat.

> ---------------
> \include "commonSettings.ly"
> \include "stringParts.ly"
> \include "annotations.ly"
> \include "SwedishHeadings.ly"
> \score{
>    \context Staff < \SwedishAnnotations \violinI >
>    \heading{ instrument = "Violin 1"}
> }
> ------------------
> The same input files could then be used in some other context.
> I'm probably old-fashioned thinking in terms of files instead of
> database entries, but I think it's fairly convenient.
> You should probably take some time to come up with a convenient
> naming scheme, both for files and for identifiers within the files,
I would guess that the database will take care of much of this. But you
are right.

> and determine what things you can put in the same file and what you
> want in different. Of course, you could have all your definitions
> in one huge file, but it's probably more convenient to split it
> into several.
Right on this is what I meant and I just couldn't envision how I would
split it up, now I have it.

> Also, in Lily version 2.0, there is a new mechanism to add tags
> within the music definitions and use them to make different
> versions of the same music, see
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.0/input/regression/out-www/collated-files.html#tag-filter.ly

These are more on the line of conditional text and I think they could be
also helpful.

I will let you know how I fare.
>     /Mats

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