Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It's a common problem to have to fiddle with the vertical
> position of different annotations in the music. I agree
> with you that it would be great if LilyPond could handle
> more of these situations automatically.

And usually it does, thanks for the developers!  I made a
note to point out something I thought probably was an
oversight, because it seems so much easier to avoid these
clashes that the different accidental/slur/crescendo etc.
clashes which can appear anywhere, anytime and handled
properly most of the time.  But maybe I was wrong.

> In general, the property 'padding' is you best friend in
> these situations.

Yeah, that is what you always suggest, and for a good
reason, I am sure.  You saved me looking up the appropriate
property names, thanks a lot for your countiuous support


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