Nevermind...  I found that when I converted everything to << >> it works out 
ok.  I guess this goes with the fact that that we don't really play chords on 
the guitar but it simply is a polyphonic instrument :)

Anyways, Is this the way it is supposed to be done?

Michal Seta wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just converted a little score I did in 1.7.18 to 2.0 (linux).  The score
> uses voice staff and guitar staff (standard notation and tab).
> I get the following warning (which is fine, in my 1.7.xx version of
> Lilypond I was getting the same warning but the output was OK) which, I
> assume results from the fact that the tab does not support rests.
> /home/mis/music/MangerManger/ warning: Junking event:
> `RestEvent':
>     r2 r4 d8\4 <cis'\3 fis\2 a\1> |
> Below are the related bits of the thing.  As you may note, all strings are
> specified.  Yet, in the output I get almost everything (in chords) shifted
> by one string and end up with double-sops on the first string...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> GuitSnobOne = \notes\relative c {
>     % \key d \major
>     r2 r4 d8\4 <cis'\3 fis\2 a\1> |
>     <g\4 b\3 d\1 fis\2>4 d e ~ <e\3 g\4 b\2> |
>     <a, b'> ~ <a e'\3 cis'\2> d, ~ <d\6 d'\4 cis'\3 fis\2 a\1> |
>     <g\6 b'\3 d\1 fis\2>8. <b'\3 d\1 fis\2>16 <g,\6 b'\3 d\1 fis\2>8.
> <d'\4>16 <bis\6 ais'\4 d\1 fis\2>4 <e\3 b'\2>8 <e\3 g\4> |
>     <d,\6 b''\2>4 <d'\4 eis\3> <e\4 gis\3 b\2> <b\5 fis'\4 dis'\2>}
> \score {
>     \simultaneous{
>     \context Staff = Guit \notes {
>        \property Staff.instrument = "Guitar"
>        \clef "G_8"
>        \key d \major
>        \GuitSnobOne
>        }
>        \context TabStaff = Tab{
>          \property TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(2 -1 -8 -10 -15 -22)
>          \GuitSnobOne
>        }
>    }
> }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      __  __ (_)___   Michal Seta
     /  \/  \ _/^ _|
    /        V |_  \

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