Hi, I'm copying the instructions given at the web page, my coments in  [[ ]]  :

Testing LilyPond

Open a terminal window (Windows users: double click the "Cygwin" icon), and type
     lilypond --help  [[OK]]

in your window. You should see something similar to
     GNU LilyPond 1.8.0
     Usage: lilypond [OPTION]... FILE...
     Typeset music and or play MIDI from FILE
     LilyPond is a music typesetter.  It produces beautiful sheet music
     using a high level description file as input.  LilyPond is part of
     the GNU Project.
       -h,--help             this help

If you see this, you have the program installed, and you can run it.  [[OK]]

Open test.ly in your favorite text editor (Windows users: run notepad test.ly).

[[Open it, but where is that file?. Run notepad, and save as test.ly? in which directory]]

     \score { \notes { c4-(  c4-) } }

Save file and exit.

     ly2dvi -p test   [[On he command window I guess]]

If everything works well, it should say
     DVI output `test.dvi'...
     PS output to `test.ps'...
     PDF output to `test.pdf'...

View the PDF file. Try these commands
   ggv test.pdf
   gv test.pdf
   kgv test.pdf
   acroread test.pdf
   ghostview test.pdf

Windows users: go to folder C: -> CYGWIN -> HOME -> your-user-name, and double click test.pdf.

[[Sorry I haven't been able to initialize Lilypond yet]]


Felipe Copaja

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