I am really new to lilypond. I wanted to try it
out, because I am trying to become independent on any music notation program. I
thought maybe MusicXML could help me out, but it was too verbose to be of any
practical use when transcribing music manually. Therefore I got lilypond. But
now, after I have transcribed one or two pieces, a question comes to my mind. I
couldn't figure out the documentation too much (at least not after the
My questions are:
1- How do you tell lilypond to typeset all brackets
of equal lenghts (or at least not each bracket out of two on a different
2- How do you put some words before the Staff and
get no errors in the process (i have tried to use the instrument property, but
then lily claims the word is not an instrument - in this case Soprano, for
3- more generally: where can I find a useful
documentation on how to achieve some specific stuff - i mean not that the
lilypond docs are not useful, but they are not really user-friendly. In this
case I refer to the time when you want to do something, but you don't know how
to do it in lily -- besides asking it out, like here (which can be very annoying
for you if I have many questions :-) ) where can you search?
I hope that someone can answer me this questions
(without beeing too harsh because of the newbie-ty of this mail)
with regards
ricardo kirkner
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