> Ahh. Thanks. Although that didn't answer my question, because I didn't 
> ask it very well.
> c:3.6 is, hands down, the way to do it. I was following the process in 
> the manual, though, so I was defining the chorus (as chorus, how 
> original) and using it in the score block as \chorus in both the Voice 
> and ChordNames  contexts. For now, I can split the chorus and 
> hand-insert the chord symbol in ChordNames and the c:3.6 in Voice...
> Is there a plan for the future to have lilypond handle inversions in 
> some way that allows voice leading from chord symbols (ie, voice leading 
> whilst using the format suggested in the manual)?

I didn't give any thought to it. What do you precisely need? How
should <c e a>  be printed in ChordNames ? 

(chord agnostic)

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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