> Well, I don't think people will start mumbling about 1/3 sharps really 
> fast, because as far as my knowledge goes, that's pretty hard to 
> achieve...(correct me if I'm wrong - I'm only a simple composer molesting 
> the piano all day..! ;)
> But I would recommend the quarter-tone system used in atonal music for 
> woodwinds (considered by Kurt Stone in 'Music Notation in the 20th Century' 

> Han-Wen, I expect that you're in posession of 'Music Notation in the 20th 
> Century' by Kurt Stone, since you mentioned it in your bibliography list. 
> If so, I'd recommend (if you haven't already done so) to read page 68-69 to 
> see what Stone wrote about it. In case you don't have the book (and for 
> others who are interested), I'll scan the pages and put up a link sometime 
> today.

The point isn't what symbols to use (designing them isn't so
difficult), but how to represent them internally. If we change that,
we will break a lot Scheme and C++ code. That is is inevitable, but
I'd rather get it right for once and for all.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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