It's several years since I looked at the MIDI generation last time,
but as far as I can remember, the tempo indication is set only in
channel 0 if you use the \tempo command within the \midi{...}
section but is set in the channel corresponding to the stave if you
use the \tempo command within the actual music definition.

Please try different combinations of having the \tempo command
only in the \midi{} or only in the \notes{} or both and report
back to the list if you see any differences.


Terje Tjervaag wrote:
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 20:14:46 -0400
Lucas Gonze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Of course there are a bazillion software sequencers, but none of them
meet the need.  They're either bloated GUI tools, non-OS X, or
pre-alpha dreamware.  All I need is a MIDI renderer that respects tempo
instructions, so that I can check my work without leaving Emacs.

I don't know if this works in OSX or not, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't;
have you tried timidity++? That's what I use to check my scores on Linux.


I have had the same problem, midi tempo is not respected. However, this is only with respect to midi files produced from lilypond. All other midi files play fine in Quicktime player. Lilypond midi files revert to some kind of standard (most of the time too slow) tempo. Please let me know if I can help troubleshoot this somehow, it's quite annoying.


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