Title: Re: RedHat7.3 and Windows[Scanned]

>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Jan> [followup set to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 >> No I do not have access to a Windows machine connected to the net.

 Jan> You can simply mirror the Cygwin distribution on your server.  Run
 Jan> setup.exe on the windows client, and enter your server as download
 Jan> mirror.  Consult the cygwin mailing list archives.

All I wanted was Lilypond on my Windows machines

 Jan> By the way, this has nothing to do with lilypond, please followup to

 >> Why is there not a zip or complete package?

 Jan> No-one has made one.  Do you know how Cygwin works?  I think a
 Jan> `complete package' would be a very bad idea.

I do not want to know how cygwin works; i have used it in the past
without any detailed knowledge.  I am not interested in cygwin, just
music typesetting.

Clearly the question was ill posed, and there is no such creature.
Back to the Linux world.

==John ffitch

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