This is to continue my post of last week.

I thought it unlikely to find a bug in lilypond in the very first page of music I 
tried to typeset,and I thought I must have misunderstood something. But as nobody 
seems to have an idea about my problem, I guess I've got to report it as a bug.

The file

---- ---------
\version "1.8.1"

harmonies = \chords { 
  des1:maj7/+f  | g:m7.5-/+f

\score {
  \notes <
    \context ChordNames { \harmonies }
    \context Staff { \harmonies }
  \paper{ }
----- end -------

produces erroneous output when processed through
ly2dvi -P
with "ly2dvi -v" reporting
ly2dvi (GNU LilyPond) 1.8.1
The problem is that the added bass "/F" does not appear in the second chord.
I'm using two different linux distibutions (redhat 9 i686, mandrake 9 ppc).

Apart from that, lilypond oputput is really beautiful and I'm very happy with it. 
Thanks for the great work!


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