OK! I didn't intend to insult you, just give a push in the right
direction to help you find the answers yourself.

As far as I can understand from your original email, you wanted to
combine the effects of the two following examples:

\context Lyrics{
  \property Lyrics.LyricText \override #'font-name = #"he8aharoni"
  \lyrics {My lyrics here }


\context Lyrics \apply #(text-augment "\\R{" "}") \lyrics { My hebrew lyrics in here. }


The first example shows exactly the situation I was refering to, namely
changing a property of a graphical object. Here, the graphical object
is 'LyricText', the property name is 'font-name' and the value is
"he8aharoni". If you match the pattern to the general structure I
showed in my previous email, you see that you also have to specify
the name of a context type, in this case "Lyrics", which means that
the setting only applies within the current \context Lyrics{...}
section. I you instead had said \property Score.LyricText ...,
the setting would have applied to all LyricText objects of the
full score, not only of the current Lyrics context.

The second example shows something completely different, namely
how to apply a function to a piece of music. Here the function
text-augment is applied to the "\lyrics {my hebrew lyrics in here. }"
section of the piece.

To combine these two, you could for example say

\context Lyrics{
  \property Lyrics.LyricText \override #'font-name = #"he8aharoni"
  \apply #(text-augment "\\R{" "}") \lyrics {My lyrics here }

which means that you first do the property setting and then apply the
function. Another possibility (just to increase the confusion) is to
include the property setting within the section that you apply the
function to
\context Lyrics apply #(text-augment "\\R{" "}") {
  \property Lyrics.LyricText \override #'font-name = #"he8aharoni"
  \lyrics {My lyrics here }

I hope thing are getting slightly clearer now.


Aaron wrote:
Ok, I now have a headache and I read it through and through.
My brain is now spinning and I did get from this a few things.
1. certainly this page explains how to do an override.
2. It explained it for fingering.
3. I don't from it clearly understand how to do even the fingering

The sytax is not explained so I don't understand why #' and how the
forward slashes work.

I realize I am stupid, not a programer or anything like it and I realize
that all the information is in the manual someplace, but whew for a
seemingly simple thing as changing a font, this seems most complicated.
You are certainly right unless I understand this I will be constantly
asking stupid questions from the group and/or writing sloppy code.

But unless this is broken down for me more and explained in more detail
I dispair of doing more than the simplest stuff in ly.....

This is not a critisim but rather points out my weakness and I guess much of us who are raised in windoze... I certainly am not giving up but just made myself a bit frustrated. Aaron

-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe =============================================

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