a while back, i had entered several instrument parts for songs that were 
passed out to students in the band class i was in. the origionals were not in 
good shape and the copies we had were even worse. now that i just got lily up 
today, i decided to try transfering them into lily to see how it would come 
out. the ETF files failed and it said it crashed lily, but i remember reading 
that blank measures cause errors and i think i still had a few of them, if 
not other problems that arent handled right. i tried importing midi files of 
it, and found that both fidi files i formed (instruments receiving their own 
tracks or not) had made lily generate a sheet with 1 staff. i didnt seem to 
notice any options about controlling that further through the midi converter 
of lily. when it did that, i noticed that the pdf had many notes clustered in 
chords. with so many notes and how tight it fit things in, there were 
occurences of where a stem of one note connected to a sharp of another note 
and other similar clashes. also i noticed that in the 'instruments on their 
own track' import that things were spaced a but better, but i saw beams that 
would pass the edge of the stem that they were connected to. those sightings 
were within the pdf. my system apparently is not configured to open the dvi 
files and complains about missing fonts if opened in the kde viewer for dvi 
files. is it suggested to work with the dvi, ps, or pdf for output? im using 
the 1.8 version of lily. my guesses for what may have happened with the 
clashes was that the midi file converted lead to multiple instruments being 
printed on the same staff, but as if they were each printer to their own 
staff on a seperate run. perhapse there were two overlapping staves? the 
beaming appears to be a minor detail, but by what u guys wrote on your 
webpage, its the minor details that you like to work so hard to find and 
perfect. i can send the lily, pdf, or other files if it is of help, but didnt 
want to clutter this email with attachments. also i do not know if this email 
goes straight to the publically accessible archives with attachments and 
would probably need to check if i can just start making my copies of the 
music publically available. if it comes to that, ill try to analyze the music 
enough to generate samples that create the same troubles i noticed in my 
files. let me know what would be preferred if i can be of further help on 
thanks again for the great product,
Ed Sutton

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