> I'm trying to figure out how to define a \transpose function.  What I
> want to do is to put this definition in a file along with clef
> definitions.  I want to do this so the piece can quickly be altered for
> different ensembles (i.e. brass choir, trombone choir).  I have a file
> with all the instrument names and clefs and I would like to add a
> transposition definition so that I can edit this all in one file.  I've
> tried several different ways and have not found one that works yet.
> I would like to put something like:
> \score {
>       \notes \myTransposition {...}
> }
> and have:
> myTransposition = <something that works>
> in another file.
> I've tried to define the whole '\transposition x x' which doesn't work. 
> I have also tried defining just the transposition string and using:
> \transpose \myTransposition
> which also doesn't work.  I get parse errors.  Sometimes they are
> 'unexpected SCORE' or ' unexpected STRING_IDENTIFIER, expecting PITCH or
> Is there a way to do this?


The best way is to go through Scheme, using Music::transpose (the C++
function) Unfortunately, that function is not exported.  I'm a little
reluctant to add features since 1.8 is still stable , and we had a lot
of problems during 1.6 that were caused by adding features.

The best option at the moment is to duplicate some typing work,
ie. have files with

 \score { \notes \transpose X Y \myMusic }


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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