Dear list,

I have some problems with typesetting my first score
in lilypond 1.7.29 on Debian SID.

I have attached my input file to prove my points. Here's what I think is going wrong:

1) slurs crossing stems (bars 4, 8, 9, 10, 14)

2) ppp dynamic marking crossing barline (bar 14)

3) it seems that notes from different voices cannot be tied together.
   Is this an inherent restriction of Lilypond or a bug ? Is there a    
   reason for this? IIRC I saw mentioned somewhere that slurs need to
   remain within one voice, but is this also true for ties? And why?

4) setting the spacing-increment to 2.5 creates two pages of output, yet
   no copyright notice can be made to appear, and the tagline appears on
   the first page

Best regards,
And congratulations on an otherwise impressive system. It certainly beats my old encore typesetting software ;-)

Stefaan Himpe.
\score {
    \context PianoStaff  = pstaff \notes
            \context Staff = upper {
                \key b \major
                \time 3/4 
                \clef treble  
                \context Voice = "uppervoice" {
                    \relative c'' {
                        \property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
                        | <{\times 2/3 { r8 dis\p -[ -( gis,-] } \times 2/3 {ais -[ 
cis b -] } \stemUp \times 2/3 {b, -[ ais' gis -] } | fis4-)  r << fis b fis' >>} \\ { 
s2 b,4 ~ b s2 } >  
                        | < {\times 2/3 { r8 gis' -[ -( fis-] } \times 2/3 {gis,-[ e' 
e,-] ~ }  {\stemDown e4}} \\ {s2 \times 2/3 {\stemUp dis'4 cis8} } >  
                        | < b'4 -) \\ dis,4 >  r r 
                        | < {\times 2/3 { r8 ais' -[ -( dis, -]} \times 2/3 { eis -[ 
gis fis -] } \times 2/3 {fis, -[ eis' dis -] } | cis4 -) r4 << cis fis cis'>>} \\ 
{\stemDown s2 fis,4 ~ | fis s2 } >
                        | < {\stemDown \times 2/3 { r8 dis'-[ -( cis -] } \times 2/3 
{dis, -[ b' b,-] ~ } b4 | ais4 << ais fis' >>4. << gis e'>>8 -) } \\ { \stemUp s2 
\times 2/3 {ais'4 gis8} ~ | gis4  s2 }  > 
                        | < {\times 2/3 { r8 dis' -[ -( fis, -] ~} \stemDown fis4 
a_"cresc." | fis'4 \times 2/3 { e8 dis cis }  b4 -) } \\ { \stemUp s4 \times 2/3 { 
cis8 -[ dis b -] } \times 2/3 { cis -[ dis gis -] } s2 s4 } >
                        | < {\times 2/3 { r8 b -[ -( ais -] } \times 2/3 { b_"dim." -[ 
dis e -] } \times 2/3 { fis -[ gis b -] ~ }} \\ {\stemDown s4 b,~ b~}>
                        | < << b, b' >>4 -) \\ \stemUp e'^\pp > r r
                        | < {\times 2/3 { r8 dis -[ -( gis, -] } \times 2/3 { ais -[ 
cis b -] } \stemDown b,4 \tieDown ~ | b4 -) } \\ {\stemUp s2 \times 2/3 { b8 -[ ais' 
gis -] } | fis4 }> r4 << fis' b fis' >>
                        | \times 2/3 { r8 gis' -[ -( fis -] } \times 2/3 { gis, -[ e' 
e, -] } dis''8.\fermata -) -[  << cis e, >>16 -] -( 
                        | << dis, b'>>4 -) r r 
                        | \bar "|." 
            \context Staff = lower {
                \key b \major
                \time 3/4 
                \clef bass 
                \notes \relative c { 
                    r4 e'4.^\mf dis8 
                    | < {dis2. ~  | dis4 s2} \\ { r4 eis,2 | fis4 \stemUp fis, 
\stemBoth << dis' b' >> } >
                    | fis,,4 << e' b' >>  << fis ais >> ~
                    | << b, fis' b  >> \clef treble b''4.^\mf ais8
                    | < { ais2. ~ | ais4 }  \\ { r4 bis,2 | cis4 } > \clef bass cis,,4 
<< ais' fis'>> 
                    | cis,4 << gis' fis' >> << cis eis >> ~ 
                    | << fis, cis' fis >>4 << fis cis' >>2
                    | b,4 << a' dis a' >> << fis b fis' >>8 fis,
                    | < {\stemDown b,4  a''2 }  \\ {\slurUp \stemUp \times 2/3 {r8 dis 
-[ -( fis, -]} \times 2/3 {cis' -[ dis b -] } \times 2/3 {cis -[ dis gis -] } } >
                    | < {\stemDown \tieDown gis2 ~ gis4 ~| gis4 } \\ {\stemUp \tieDown 
fis'4 e~ \stemDown << e  b,>>~ | << e  b, e,>> -)}  > e'4.^\p dis8 
                    | < { dis2.^\ppp ~ | dis4 } \\ { r4 eis,2 | fis4} > fis,, << dis' 
                    | fis, << cis' b' >> \clef treble << dis'_\fermata b' >>8. << fis 
ais >>16
                    | << b, fis' b>>4 r r
    \paper { 
        \translator {
            SpacingSpanner \override #'spacing-increment = #2.1
            % setting the above to 2.5 triggers a bug in lilypond 1.7.29
    \header {
      title = "Prelude"
      opus = "Op. 2, No. 2 (1889)"
      composer = "A. Scriabin"
      piece = "no tempo marking, traditionally played Andantino"
    \midi { }
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