On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 18:18, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> On Sunday 03 August 2003 02:06 am, arie-lily wrote:
> > Thanks, in the mean time indeed I found out that working with two
> > voices is the solution. If I'd known that someone would bother after
> > all this time to answer my question, I'd have warned that I found the
> > solution. Thanks :)
> Everybody has to find time...

Yes of course, this was in no way meant as a 'complaint' rather than as
an expression of surprise.

> You will probably find it better to use an extra "global" or
> "utility" voice, for putting in your bars, key sigs., etc.,
> and also for the occasional invisible part, for example to
> attach markups where it is not convenient to have them attached
> to actual notes.  You need four voices, *minimum*, to typeset three 
> parts on one staff with lilypond.
> If your piece is complicated, in spite of having only two parts,
> you might use sly and make two versions of your .ly file, one
> of which sets your piece on three staves.  If you put scripts
> in your local directory like ./up1 and ./up3, you can bring up
> either or both versions from the same notes without modification.

Well, this comment is really going over the top of my head.
utility voice?
invisible part?
why four voices?
etc... :)


> http://www.openguitar.com
> DaveA
The biggest losers of all are the winners of an unjust war.
Bush lied. Thousands died. Only the winning part is over. 

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