Fulko van Westrenen wrote:

Some of you assumed that I wanted to add text to the end, but that is not the case: lilypond-book would have done a fine job. I want
to add some text in the middle of a piece, but that text has no melody. The accompanying(?) music continues, but that small piece
of text goes without rithm of melody. I simply have a s1-skip to fill
with a few words. Can this be done?

Didn't you read my first answer? To elaborate on the second alternative, I thought of something like:

textwithoutmusic = \lyrics{ \skip 1*30 Some4 ly- rics2 ... }
textwithmusic = \lyrics{ The text with me- lo- dy ... }

\score {
      \context Staff = one {
        \property Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
      \context LyricsVoice = mylyrics \textwithmusic
    \context LyricsVoice = mylyrics \textwithoutmusic

The idea is to use the \textwithoutmusic to fill the bars that
didn't have any melody and use explicit durations only for those
bars. Use \skip to place it at the correct location.


Thank you for your help so far.


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