Since the second half of the 4th bar is an upbeat to the new
time signature, you could just say \partial 4 after the \time 4/4
(and remove the \bar "|" command since LilyPond will handle it
correctly anyway).


Hi there!
The piano sonata op.78 by L. v. Beethoven starts with \time 2/4 and right in the middle of bar 4 
there is a double bar line: \bar "||" and a change of time signature: \time 4/4 for 
the rest of the entire movement. Here's my .ly-Code showing bars 4-6:

\score {
\notes\context PianoStaff < \context Staff = one { \time 2/4 \clef violin \key fis \major %bar4
< \context Voice = VA { \stemUp b'32 ais' dis'' cis'' cis''8-\fermata} \context Voice = VB { \stemDown fis'8} > \bar "||" \time 4/4 ais'8. b'16 \bar "|"
cis''4 < \context Voice = VA { \stemUp fis'4 eis' fis'} \context Voice = VB { \stemDown cis'4 cis' cis'}>
<b2. cis'2. eis'2. b'2.> <gis4 cis' gis'>

        \context Staff = two { \clef bass \key fis \major

<fis,,4 fis,4-\fermata> \bar "||" r4 \bar "|" %bar5
fis,8 fis (ais fis b fis ais) fis
gis8 cis gis cis gis cis eis cis}>

The .ps file coming out of this prints the double bar line in bar 4 and makes the changing of 
time signature; everything's fine so far. But it doesn't seem to take notice of the new 4/4 
time. The first bar line after the "b'16." is ok but the next one is wrong: it still 
seems to be a 2/4, see?
What is wrong in that code?
Could somebody please help me??
Nice Greetings

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