It certainly works here, both with 1.6.11 and 1.7.late. I picked a score at random, inserted a \newpage in the \notes{} section and it certainly gives a page break, both when I use ly2dvi and when I include it in a LaTeX wrapper with lilypondfile{}. Of course, you have to remember that the \newpage macro involves a \break and will therefore only work at bar lines.
Laura Conrad wrote:
I'm doing something without lilypond-book for a change, and I need to force a page break. I've tried putting \newpage into the \notes{}, which doesn't seem to affect anything at all. I also tried the code from input/regression/
\context Score \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'paper-column-interface) #'between-system-string = #"(pagebreak)\n\n" \break
and that doesn't do it either.
Does someone have an example of a forced page break they can send me, or point me to?
(I'm using 1.7.27, so I'm copying the developer list, but I don't have any reason to suppose that it's a 1.7 bug, since it isn't anything that I knew how to do on 1.6 either.)
-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: =============================================
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