> I would like to use in the header and elsewhere fonts different from 
> Computer Modern.
> I don't know anything about TeX. How can I do it?
> I tried to change the feta-nummer font for multi-measure rests (feta-nummer 
> is wonderful, but right now I'm making bass guitar transcriptions, and I 
> would prefer a more...modern-like font). If I use a standard font (i.e. 
> times), the whole rests disappear and latex gives me an error if I don't 
> set the church rest limit to 1. Is there a way to avoid this but using a 
> font different than feta-nummer for multi-measure numbers?

I've added an example how to do this in input/regression/font-name.ly
in 1.7 CVS; For mmrests there are some special problems in version
1.6, since it uses two fonts at the same time (one for the symbols,
one for the numbers.) - I recommend you to try the next 1.7 release or
wait for a few weeks till 1.8 is out.

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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