>  Lilypond is wonderful, and its "body plan" is just right. Thanks.
> I have two questions.
> 1. Lilypond has limited support for figured bass in the traditional
> form of columns of digits indicating intervals relative to the bass note.
> Today, for both pedagogical and practical reasons, it is common
> to esplicitly give, besides those numbers, a Roman numeral
> (sometimes in upper or lower case for, resepctively, major and minor)
> indicating the chord root, such as
>                  7       6
> I       V       V       V4
> This kind of figured bass, appearing below the staff, is distinct from the so
> called "chord notation" such as
> Fdim  F7      Cmin
> etc. Is there a way in lilypond to notate these Roman
> numerals in the  figured bass?

I added strings to figured bass so you can do

  <"V4" 6>

you have to twiddle with font settings though (the number font has no


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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