>> GP> What version are you using?  I just tested it on a CVS version from 1.7.20,
>> GP> and it worked.  The grace notes appear at the beginning of the next bar,
>> GP> instead of at the end of their proper bar, but it _does_ compile.
>> On the current stable version, it did not compile. But from what
>> you're telling me, the result in 1.7.20 isn't much better anyway. I'm
>> going crazy about not being able to put graces at the end of bars,
>> because I'm copying a lot of 18th century music, where it is sooo very
>> recurrent, that it's a pain in my round one.

HWN> Do you have some scans for me? I've never seen graces at the end of
HWN> bars, save for the graces following a trill.

HWN> Getting grace notes right in various combinations is a lot of work, so
HWN> I don't really want to add \aftergrace as well, unless it is really
HWN> necessary.

Here (do you mind if this is a facsimile?):
   * http://tinyurl.com/dzmu/duphly.jpg

The bass is a typical Alberti type bass, very common at the period
(18th century), which coincides with the apparitions and growing
popularity of the piano-forte. Using two graces after white, is a
very, very common effect.

Of course, that is not the only use of graces at the end of a
measure, but it is most accessible one, as I had the scans on my hard


Two other cases were graces are problematic are in the two excerpts
   * http://tinyurl.com/dzmu/duphly2.jpg
     In this one, I have a hard time believing the long unmeasured end
     phrase would look good in Lilypond at all.

   * http://tinyurl.com/dzmu/duphly3.jpg
     It is simply impossible to reproduce the second bass measure, in
     the bass part, without using a dirty hack with font size changes.



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