Did you try elatex mywrapper.latex afterwards?
Aaron wrote:
Hi again, I am back for more fun.
I got lilypond-book to use elatex. I ran lilypond-book on mywrapper It generated a latex file (Mats wrote it would generate a tex file) I ran elatex on the file and got this:
---------------- clip --------------
[EMAIL PROTECTED] aamehl]# lilypond-book mywrapper.lytex
lilypond-book (GNU LilyPond) 1.6.10
Reading `/home/aamehl/mywrapper.lytex'
Reading `/home/aamehl/myscore.ly'
Running Latex for finding dimensions...
invoking `elatex '\nonstopmode \input lily-tmp.tex' 1> /dev/null 2>
invoking `lilypond --header=texidoc -I /home/aamehl lily-1658049550.ly'
GNU LilyPond 1.6.10
Now processing: `lily-1658049550.ly'
lily-1658049550.ly:31:6: warning: Identifier should have alphabetic
characters only:
= \notes \context Voice = $Staff1 {
lily-1658049550.ly:43:11: warning: Identifier should have alphabetic characters only: Staff1Staff = \context Staff = Staff1Staff <
Interpreting music...warning: lyrics found without any matching notehead warning: lyrics found without any matching notehead warning: lyrics found without any matching notehead warning: lyrics found without any matching notehead warning: lyrics found without any matching notehead warning: lyrics found without any matching notehead [8]warning: lyrics found without any matching notehead warning: lyrics found without any matching notehead warning: lyrics found without any matching notehead [12] Preprocessing elements... Calculating column positions... programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs) [3][6][9] paper output to `lily-1658049550.tex'...
Interpreting music... MIDI output to `lily-1658049550.midi'... Track ... Writing `mywrapper.latex'
------------------------------ clip -----------------
I see a paper output to lily-1658049550.tex but don't know where it got dumped.
Will this file even help me.
I also didn't specifiy fonts or spacing could this be the problem??? Thanks Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] aamehl]#
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