After checking more carefully I see a number of measures are missing.

Here is the complete song, Help please.

blanknotes = {
\property Voice.NoteHead \override
        #'transparent = ##t
\property Voice.Stem \override
        #'transparent = ##t 
unblanknotes = {\property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'transparent
\property Voice.Stem \revert #'transparent 
        title = "Mah Yedidos"
        subtitle = ""
        composer = ""

\include ""
Staff = \notes \context Voice = $Staff {
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \time 3/4
        \key e \minor
        \clef treble
        e'8() b e'4 g' |
        e'8() b e'4 g' |
        e'8 fis'g' a' g'fis' |
        e' fis' g'2 |
%5      a'4 b'4 a'4 |
        a'4 b'4 a'4 | 
        a'8 a' e'4 a' |
        \times 2/3 {a'8 g' fis'} g'2 |
        d'4 e' d'8. d'16 |
%10     g'8 a'  b'4 g' |
        c''8 b' c'' b' c'' e'' |
        \times 2/3 {d''8 c'' b'} a'4.. g'16 |
        g'8 fis' e'4. \times 2/3 {d'16 d' d'} |
        g'8 fis' e'4. d'8 |

%15     g' fis' e'4. d'8 |
        g' fis' g' a' g' fis' |
        e'2. |
        a'4 b' a' |
        a'8 a' b'4 a'8. a'16 |

%20     a'4 e' a' |
        \times 2/3 {g'8 g' fis'} e'2 \bar "|."

Staff = \context Staff = Staff <

\score {
        \paper {
        \midi {
                \tempo 4 = 60

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