Am Die, 17. Jun 2003 11:47:31 +0200, schrieb Han-Wen Nienhuys:
>   \once \property Lyrics.LyricText \set #'X-extent = #(cons A B)
>   "\\someWierdText"
> where A B are the dimensions of the object, and might be computed
> through a latex run.

Am Don, 19. Jun 2003 02:05:22 +0300, schrieb Aaron:
> Hi all this is a response i got to my question in the ivrix discussion
> group.
> I need a link to the lilypond help to sections that explain how to
> include latex/tex in a lilypond doc. especially lyrics and titles.

As text is fed unchanged to (La)TeX you can write (La)TeX code wherever
you can write text. The only thing in lyrics mode is that you have
to mark this "text" manually using quotes. And backslashes have to be
doubled.  If Lilypond can't compute
the real dimensions you have to provide them by hand. Or you can write a
script that calls LaTeX to compute the dimensions. 

There might be another solution for you to correct the output. Take a
look at what Chinese or Japanese lilypond users have done.



  Tobias      ,---------------------------------------, 
 Schlemmer   /       Agricolastr. 16, Zi. 2704B       |
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        '        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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