I recommend a careful reading of the section "Fine tuning a piece"
of the Tutorial. However, the text has been significantly improved
in the Tutorial of the development version, so you should definitely
read the version at lilypond.org/development/ instead of the one at
lilypond.org. Even though the development version differs from the
stable version in some aspects, this section should be relevant to
both versions.


ario wrote:
On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 22:36, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

ario wrote:


3. How can I shift the 'voltas' (like the  |1.-3.     | ) a bit up?
Normally the first volta would be lower that the second, due to the one
octave lower g, and would overlap the measure numbering box. I now
solved it putting an invisible g'' in measure 13, using an additional
voice just for doing that... I hope there's a better solution?

Check out the properties for the VoltaBracket object (you can find the list of all available graphical objects "grobs" at lilypond.org if you click at Documentation:index and then "documentation of internals"). Hint: I have mentioned the same property name earlier tonight.

It'll be a hard day's night, and I'll be working like a beast...
until I'll have solved this on my own, but hey, who knows one day I'll
get there :)

Thanks, and sorry if I missed some earlier valuable hints, it's just
that I'm a bit dazzled by having to delve into the LilyPond's internals.



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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
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