Now I spent some time learning more about the font selection methods in LaTeX and found out a better solution to your problems.
Some basics: If you want a LaTeX document with mixed cyrillic and latin letters, you could start with something like:
This tells LaTeX to load the font definitions for both the OT1 (latin) and OT2 (cyrillic) encoding and use the latin one as default. When you want to change to cyrillic, simply say \fontencoding{OT2}\selectfont
When it comes to Lilypond, it's unfortunately impossible at the moment to include the above mention \usepackage command with the correct options using ly2dvi, without hacking the ly2dvi program. However, it's easy to do if you use lilypond-book instead.
Do as following:
- Keep the .ly file as it is, just change the titling commands to title="Wo Loezjag \fontencoding{OT2}\selectfont Vo Luzah" and use "wnr10" instead of "wncyr10" as the font-name argument.
- Create a wrapper LaTeX document called, say, mywrapper.lytex containing: -------------- \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
\usepackage[OT2,OT1]{fontenc} \input{lilyponddefs.tex} \input titledefs.tex
\end{document} ----------------------
- Run 'lilypond-book mywrapper.lytex'
- Run 'latex mywrapper.tex'
Now you hopefully have a .dvi file that looks as you wish.
ario wrote:
ROb, if I do
\header {
title="Wo Loezjag / \font\myfont=wncyr10\myfont {\huge Vo Luzah}"
then it prints the title in fonetics as well as in cyrillic, so that works. However, if I want to insert an ascii code, as \char31, like title="Wo Loezjag / \font\myfont=wncyr10\myfont {\huge Vo Luzah \char31}"
then this character is taken from the normal font, not the cyrillic...
what a pity, arie
On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 01:39, Rob Vlasaty wrote:
I've figured out how to change the font of the stanza numbers. I've used the line:
\property LyricsVoice . StanzaNumber \set #'font-name = #"cmssi17"
( I'm proud of myself for figuring that out)
Also, when I tried what you suggested. I got it to work by adding it to my .tex file and using lilypond book:
Is there a way to add that line right to the .ly file to access it in ly2dvi for the title and poet, etc.?
I found the code \sffamily in the Latex documentation to change the font family to Sans serif. When I added this line to my .tex file for lilypond-book, I got Sans serif text in my ouput. I'm curious if there a command to access the Sans serif font-family in ly2dvi to change the fonts, since it's available in Latex?
Thanks for your suggestion.
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