Since the typesetting of the titles is done by TeX, you can use any standard TeX or LaTeX command to specify the font. The low-level TeX way to do it is \font\myfont=wncyr10\myfont but I'm sure you can find a high-level LaTeX method as well.
ario wrote:
On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 15:09, Rob Vlasaty wrote:
I saw your question on the Lilypond mail website. I also posted a question, but nobody is answering it, so I thought I'd contact other users directly.
I noticed that you are trying to use a Cyrillic font. How are you using this font for the title of the song? I can't seem to change the font of the title, and just get the Roman font.
I'd appreciate any ideas you have.
I would like to do that too (and in other fields too), but have not yet found out how to do that.
regards, arie
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