Try the latest CVS. Han-Wen just fixed a very similar bug for me, and it probably fixed your problem too. R1_"Text" was colliding with the bottom of the staff.
~ John Williams On 12 Apr 2003, David Bobroff wrote: > In this example using v1.7.16 CVS, the text over the notes (using either > syntax) is quite close to the staff while the text over the rests is an > x-height or more higher. Is this intentional? > > -David Bobroff > > \score{\notes \relative c'' { > \time4/4 > \property Score.skipBars = ##t > \property Staff.MultiMeasureRest \override #'minimum-length = #25 > \break R1*9^\markup{\large \bold "text over rests"}_\markup{\number > "6"} > > \property Staff.MultiMeasureRest \revert #'mininum-length > > c4^#'((large bold) "text over notes") d e f | > c^\markup{\large \bold "text over notes"} d e f > > } > } _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]