I wrote a (very) modest but quite handy bash script that puts all .ly files in the current directory into one big .pdf-file with twosided pagenumbering. Thought someone else might find it usefull, maybe it could even be stuck somewhere in the documentation...
It uses ly2dvi (of course), texexec and pdfinfo. -- begin bash -- #!/bin/bash start=1; for i in *.ly; do ly2dvi --pdf --set=latexoptions=twoside --set=pagenumber=$start $i this=$(pdfinfo `basename $i .ly`.pdf|grep Pages|awk '{print $2;}'); start=`expr $this + $start`; rm `basename $i .ly`.ps; rm `basename $i .ly`.dvi; done rm out.pdf texexec --pdfarrange --result=out.pdf `ls *.pdf` rm texexec.* rm mp* rm *.log -- end bash -- -- peace, love & harmony Atte _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user