On Wednesday 28 May 2003 01:51 pm, Joerg Anders wrote:
> Hi all!
> A short question:
>-------|--------------- * -
> Is this ^ f or f sharp ?

f, but unfortunately it depends on whose book you read.  Mark it for 
sure, because it is unknowable what it "really" is.  

A worse problem is this, is the second f flat?  The answer is no,
and another flat is required.  The reason is that each part should
have its own accidentals so that it may be extracted.  The reader
should be able to read a score as if it were being read by 
more than one player, even on a single staff.  Accidentals should
be voice context, not staff context.  The only case where you
have one accidental for two voices is when the notes are played

         --O--             |                                    
     |\                    |
     | /   |                 |                              
 --- |/----|--------------O--|---   
    /|     |             |   |   
 - /-|- ---|-------------|---|---
  | /| \   |             |   |      
 --\ | /---|-------------|---|---
 ----|- ---------------------|--
  * - 

Examples abound in Riemanschneider's \textit{Bach Chorales}
or see Piston's Harmony ex. 490 measure 2.  (Brahms)
or see George Thaddeus Jones's Music Theory, fig 341, measure
7, the a on beat 2.

My old buddy, Gardner Read: "...all notated [sic] on one staff, one
must be careful to repeat an accidental sign originally
placed before a note in one voice, should another voice move
to the same pitch."  This is the best practice.  I could not
find anything about this in the docs, and it has been discussed
before.  :-)  DaveA

The biggest losers of all are the winners of an unjust war.
The wars are not over.  Just the winning part is over.
Bush lied.  Thousands died.  dra@ http://www.openguitar.com

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