The easiest is probably to add an invisible note that the tie can start from:
\alternative{{...}{\makeInvisible c4/2 ~ \makeVisible c4/2 ...} where the macros can be defined as
makeInvisible = {\property Voice.NoteHead \override #'transparent = ##t \property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t } makeVisible = { \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'transparent \property Voice.Stem \revert #'transparent }
The 4/2 duration is just a trick to avoid that the extra note destroys the rhythm.
Marco Caliari wrote:
In my previous mail I was not clear enough. If you have
\repeat volta 2 {d1 c~} \alternative {{c d c}{c}}
there should be a slur sign before the c in the second alternative, not starting from the c~, but starting from "nothing", after the repeat bar between the alternatives. I think it should be automatic, but is there a way to put a slur sign as wanted?
------------- Marco
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