Hans Forbrich wrote:

 > Look at the examples, tips & trickx andregression tests - I seem to
 > remember exactly that situation in one of them.

 > Specifically check
 > http://lilypond.org/development/input/test/out-www/test.html (or
 > http://lilypond.org/stable/input/test/out-www/test.html) and search
 > for slur ...

Thank you, Hans.  I've just checked both of them, and none of the
examples near any occurrence of the word "slur" seem to do what I'm
looking for.  Let me check again before I hit send . . . nope, none of
those slurs look like a letter S on its side.

I've scanned the measure in question from its original setting, and am
attaching it to this e-mail.  If this is truly impossible (as Han-Wen
stated - thanks for the reply, Han-Wen) then I'd like to request this as
a future feature.

Daniel Ashton      PGP key available     http://Daniel.AshtonFam.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         http://ChamberMusicWeekend.org
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ# 9445142      http://ZephyrBrass.com

<<inline: TwistySlur.gif>>

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