Hello, my name is Alex Basson, and I am currently the TA for Math/Music 109, a class developed by Prof. David Wright and offered at Washington University in St. Louis. The goal of the class is to explore some of the many connections between math and music, and so far it has been very interesting both for the students and for David and myself.
I am trying to create some course materials, and necessarily I'm finding that I need to combine both math typesetting and music typesetting in a single document. So far, I have been typesetting the math using TeX; more specifically, I'm using the TeXShop for Mac OS X front end, which in turn uses teTeX implementation as its engine. If I've stated this incorrectly, this is because I'm fairly new to TeX and to computers in general. I have tried incorporating music into my TeX documents by using MusiXTeX, but so far unsuccessfully -- I've been having troubles installing MusiXTeX correctly. In an attempt to find perhaps a better solution, I discovered the Lilypond website and became curious. I'm wondering -- will Lilypond allow me to combine math and music typesetting into a single document? Can I install and use it on my Mac (again, running OS X)? Do I need a different TeX implementation? Thank you in advance for any help and assistance you can give me. I sincerely appreciate your time and consideration. Alex Basson _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user