On Monday 03 March 2003 11:37 am, you wrote:
> I see that the first line/score is indented in all output I get. 
> This is also so in the examples I find, like the beautiful Städchen.
> However, I have never seen it so in the music notes I find elsewhere,
> like my daughters' notes.
> Why is it so, and how can I get rid of it?

indent = 0.0
in your \paper block

I would rather keep it, but in lilypond-book the first line of music is
indented twice and all the other lines indented once.  Since I don't 
plan to put the instrument name before any of the lines because it is 
obvious from context what the instrument is, how can I get the music 
lines to have the same left margin and indention as the text lines?

\property Staff.Instrument gets that 0.25in whether it is commented out 
or set to "".
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