Laura Conrad wrote:

>>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Willhalm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Thomas> According to the docs, this should be the abbreviated form of
>     Thomas>                \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "1."
>     Thomas> However, my experience shows that they are different.
> No, the .stz form specifies that a verse number is to be put at the
> beginning of every line; the .stanza form is what to put at the
> beginning of the vers.

This coincides with my experience: stanza for the beginning of the vers,
stz for the remaining lines. However, in
it says:
  stz (markup (list or string)): 
       Abbreviated form for a stanza, see also Stanza property. 
Probably, one should fix the docu.


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